Monday, July 09, 2007

Fair or Unfair?

My friend John Ruberry with more on the "Unfairness" Doctrine.

Previous post: Dim Reason

UPDATE: South Dakota Sen. John Thune (remember, in 2004 he defeated then Dem Senate minority leader Tom Daschle), RCP "Reject Orwellian Calls for Broadcast "Fairness":
Our support for freedom of conscience and freedom of speech means that we must support the rights granted to even those with whom we disagree. Giving power to a few to regulate fairness in the media is a recipe for disaster on the scale that George Orwell so aptly envisioned.

I for one will strongly oppose any efforts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine or other policies similar to it. I have introduced legislation that would prohibit the FCC from reinstituting these policies, which is a good first step. I know the hair stands up on the back of my neck when I hear government officials offering to regulate the news media and talk radio to ensure fairness. I think most Americans have the same reaction.

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