Friday, July 27, 2007

Rudy on Energy

Guiliani makes a statement on energy independence. Though I don't agree with Rudy on ethanol (In Brazil they probably cut down rain forest to plant sugar cane. It is much cheaper and more efficient than making ethanol from corn, though), he makes some good points:
Eighty percent of the electricity in France comes from nuclear power. Only twenty percent of electricity in America is generated by nuclear power and it's going to go down to fifteen percent in the future if we don't do something about it. We invented the peaceful use of nuclear power, but we've let other countries get ahead of us. There is no reason for that. No one's ever died from nuclear power in the United States. Despite that fact, we haven't licensed a new nuclear power plant in the United States in 30 years.

America has more coal than Saudi Arabia has oil. If we can compete and make cost effective the process of carbon sequestration, clean coal, we can rely on coal to a much larger extent. And we can rely on it without harming the environment.

Of course, coal is abundant in Illinois, a current blue state, which earns him points at least downstate.

Rudy radiates an upbeat, can-do approach that is very persuasive.

Previous post: Now You Have to Get It

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