Change. Not the stuff that slips out of your pocket and between the cushions on the couch. This is the stuff, any stuff, that you're for if you are progressive. Here's U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) recently on the subject: "We are [cliche warning] striking a chord and I think people have confidence that maybe we can [cliche warning] bridge some of those divides in this country. That's what it's going to take to bring about [cliche warning] significant, real change. Change can't [cliche warning] just be a slogan. Change has to be something that is demonstrated day-to-day on an [cliche warning] ongoing basis." Barack, either change your speechwriters or tell us what change you have in mind.And Philip Klein, in his cover story on the July/August print issue of The American Spectator has noted after Obama delivered a centrist-leaning foreign policy speech (my post on it here) he bowed to the peacenik Ben and Jerry crowd in a New Hampshire town meeting (you might say his position turned on a dime). And his standard stump speech is revealing:
Obama does not even bother to pay lip service to going after terrorist groups in his standard stump speech, which indicates where his heart really lies. In outlining his top priorities, he talks about pulling out of Iraq, fighting global warming, achieving energy independence, creating universal healthcare, and improving education.So, spare us the cliches, the empty rhetoric. Spare us the "change", Barack.
Previous post: Obama Transcendent
UPDATE: Marathon Pundit on Obama/Rezko in the news. Or not. (AP for Hillary, Newsweek for Obama?)
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