How will we lose the war against "radical Islam"?OK, so let's go to Amazon (No. 1 is a previous book by the author, No. 8, no title found). How about the publisher? Read the rest of Steyn. Background from HotAir on the vanished book. You thought the cartoon jihad was silly. You thought it could never happen---the equivalent of a book burning in the US, an Orwellian blanking out.Well, it won't be in a tank battle. Or in the Sunni Triangle or the caves of Bora Bora. It won't be because terrorists fly three jets into the Oval Office, Buckingham Palace and the Basilica of St Peter's on the same Tuesday morning.
The war will be lost incrementally because we are unable to reverse the ongoing radicalization of Muslim populations in South Asia, Indonesia, the Balkans, Western Europe and, yes, North America. And who's behind that radicalization? Who funds the mosques and Islamic centers that in the past 30 years have set up shop on just about every Main Street around the planet?
For the answer, let us turn to a fascinating book called "Alms for Jihad: Charity And Terrorism in the Islamic World," by J. Millard Burr, a former USAID relief coordinator, and the scholar Robert O Collins. Can't find it in your local Barnes & Noble? Never mind, let's go to Amazon.
The trial of Hamas and the "charitable" Holy Land Foundation is in its 3rd week in Texas. IHT reports an FBI agent just testified charity leaders attended a Hamas meeting. It's on tape. Hamas is to be referred to as "Sister Samah" to confuse us dhimmis.
Related posts: Dem Terrorist Enablers, Hamas Family Values, Spinning the Web
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