Monday, August 27, 2007

Practice What You Preach, Barack

Have you noticed when government infrastructure fails, the clamor from the repositories of conventional wisdom is to raise taxes?

But when utilities' infrastructure fails, we never hear cries to raise their rates. Actually, I think ComEd has done a great job after an act of God, all things considered.

And just another note, I find Sen. Obama's analogy of the rock at his campaign appearance, uh church service yesterday in New Orleans very interesting. He suggests the rock is the church and volunteerism, and people have misplaced their faith in government to come up with solutions.

Then he suggests government solutions.

The good Senator should practice what he preaches.

P.S. And since the North Shore is the last place power is being restored (and we had to endure raw sewage being dumped on our beaches)---does the Senator have something against rich, white people?

Previous posts: Dictators for Obama, Obama's Judgement

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