Thursday, August 09, 2007

Despicable Dems

Robert Novak (he used to be a Dem, gee, so did I) on the Democrat "leadership's" lies and character assassination, all in aid of kowtowing to their nutroots. (Presumably Tricky Dick Durbin was at the table before his latest trip.) This time they went after the very person charged with protecting us at home from terrorists, a former admiral and director of the National Security Agency under President Clinton, never known as a Republican, now head of DNI:
A sadder but wiser J. M. (Mike) McConnell, Director of National Intelligence (DNI), told a senior Republican House member last weekend that the next time he dealt with congressional Democrats he would make sure a Republican was in the room or on the phone. After a lifetime navigating the murky waters of intelligence, Admiral McConnell at age 64 was ill prepared for the stormy seas of Capitol Hill.

Late last Saturday, the Democratic-controlled Congress enacted a bill that is anathema to the party's base: authorization of eavesdropping on suspected terrorist conversations without a court warrant. It passed because Democrats could not take the political risk of going home for the August recess having shut off U.S. surveillance of threats to the country. But since they could not blame themselves, they blamed the non-political DNI.

And good ol' Dem boy Rahmbo Emanuel accused McConnell of "not negotiating in good faith". How despicable. Didn't you know Admiral McConnell, Rahmbo, when you worked for the Clinton administration? But that was then, this is now. And we Americans would be nuts to put our faith in Democrats on national security.

Related posts: Dick Durbin, Liar, Trial Lawyers, Fighting for YOU

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