Thursday, August 09, 2007

War Crimes of the Dem Left

You recall Jon Soltz, the vet turned Kossack at YearlyKos who spouts off all he wants about the war but essentially tells a uniformed soldier to shut up. Because he can. (I love the Democrats' Where's Waldo approach that al-Qaeda is anywhere but in Iraq--c'mon Dems, don't you know terrorists are borderless?)

Last night Soltz was on Hardball with Buzz Patterson, who served as a military attache in the Clinton White House. Patterson is currently Vice Chairman of Move America Forward and his most recent book is War Crimes: The Left's Campaign to Destroy our Military and Lose the War on Terror. I heard him speak in New Trier a few years ago, and he is an honest and knowledgeable man who has served his country well. Watch the debate on Hillary's credentials for commander in chief:

And for more of the MSM on the war, who give credence to a very few selected soldiers, the story of the wholesale lies and treachery of a major liberal publication. Winter Soldier Syndrome on the Baghdad Diaries. Michelle Malkin tells the tale.

UPDATE: And in case you missed it, read an eyewitness account of the war. Michael Yon. Yes, al-Qaeda is in Iraq.

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