I think genocide is too harsh a word. I don't doubt that when we leave, whether it's 10 months or 10 years, that there will be a period of adjustment after that. I don't know how serious it will be.No, no, we can't call it genocide, that we be too harsh---then we might have to actually do something, not just offer empty words. And what about Darfur, the Democrats' preferred foreign policy stomping grounds, where they actually do say genocide is going on---there they leave it to the useless UN---and still offer empty words.
On his visit to Iraq, Sen. Durbin, who had opposed the surge, reluctantly admitted the surge had made military progress in ensuring better security for the Iraqi people, but changed tack and said there was still no political progress there. But the surge has shown to be part of the political solution as well, as Sunni tribes shifted to fight an al-Qaeda that has brutalized them, driving them out with our help in one province after another, and joining the Iraqi army. It is political progress from the grassroots up.
And now we see political progress at the national level as well, with leaders of the three main factions--Sunni, Shia and Kurd coming together for serious discussions. We have called Iran to account for their providing arms and training to AQ and Shiite insurgents, such as al-Sadr's Mahdi army and have arrested Iranian "diplomats"---MSM-speak for elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds forces--- in Baghdad. Now Moqtada al-Sadr is asking for a six month rehab break.
So, Sen. Dick Durbin, you may not have felt safe in Baghdad, but unless you stir yourself and do more than pick up the phone once in a while to the UN, we may not be safe in Chicago. Also here. And here. And you will be not be part of the solution (do Democrats ever really solve any problem?), you will be part of the problem--- on more than one front.
Sen. Dick Durbin--Fighting for YOU...NOT. Rather, Sen. Durbin disarms us. And that smiley-face is not charming, it's vacuous.
UPDATE: Sen. Durbin has a declared opponent for the 2008 election, family physician Dr. Steve Sauerberg.
UPDATE: Republican candidate for Senate Steve Sauerberg in an interview first aired last week with Jeff Berkowitz:
Dr. Steve Sauerberg [U.S. Senate candidate; R-Willowbrook]: Well, I think you have seen progress. When two fairly liberal people from the Brookings Institution go to Iraq and they come back and say there is progress, then there is progress. I think you have to understand that if we leave there, the chance of genocide and disaster is real. And, if we suggest to our enemies that we are unwilling to work through this in Iraq, when we have left there, they will all head off to Afghanistan. And, if we are unwilling to stay in Iraq, are we also unwilling to stay in Afghanistan? Will we give that country back to militant Islam, as well. And, now we’ve got probably a worse situation than we started with on 9/11. These countries will be chaotic. They will be wonderful places for Al Qaeda to start training bases. They will start to target us again here. And, I think that’s a disaster for America.UPDATE: Batboy Durbin schmoozes Wilmette, brandishes bat. (Is that your idea of a weapon, Sen. Durbin?)
Related posts: The Left Loses the Vietnam War, Dem Dramatics, Freedom's Watch, GOP at Illinois State Fair
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