Mayor Daley accused Gov. Blagojevich Wednesday of engineering a legally shaky and "dangerous" end-run around the General Assembly that threatens to jeopardize the mayor's chances of getting sorely needed funding for the CTA and Chicago Public Schools.One day after Blagojevich vowed to cut $500 million from the new state budget and redirect it toward his failed health care initiative, Daley openly questioned the legality of the maneuver as well as the political wisdom of it.
"Something like this really kind of separates people. . . . You've got Democrats and Republicans in the House. Once you start dividing them and divide the Senate, that is very, very dangerous in regards to -- not only politics, but government," he said.
Governor Blagojevich, hero of organized thugs:
One of the day's most awkward moments came after Madigan was introduced to the fairground rally and was met by a loud chorus of boos and chants of "Veto Madigan" from a group affiliated with United Services of Chicago, a contractor with at least $775,000 in state business under Blagojevich.
None of the protesters would comment later when asked about their response to Madigan, though one individual confirmed the group's affiliation with United Services and indicated they were working "for Blagojevich."
Eddie Read, the organization's CEO, later told the Sun-Times that the governor did not orchestrate the outburst or coordinate the group's appearance, a contention backed up by Blagojevich's campaign.
Asked his reaction to the booing 20 or so feet in front of him, Blagojevich said, "I didn't notice it."
Governor Blagojevich, Perfuming the Pig:
Blagojevich wants to divert $500 million from programs in the legislature's budget -- some of them pork barrel projects -- and divert the money to expanded health care coverage for Illinoisans by the hundreds of thousands. He didn't tolerate questions about which programs, specifically, he would cut. He did, though, get one thing he surely wanted: near-instantaneous press coverage. Imagine the gleeful smiles among the governor's long-dour media staffers when this headline flashed in blue pixels on chicagotribune.com: "Blagojevich vetoes pork to fund health care."
Gee, how much more Messianic does it get? How much more ... Schwarzeneggerian?This is the bunch that backs Obama. This is his Illinois base.
It was Unity Day for Democrats at the Illinois State Fair.
Previous posts: Rolling Out the Pork Barrel, Blagojevich for President, Governor F
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