Thursday, August 23, 2007

Support Bobby Jindal

Louisiana candidate for Governor and current Republican Congressman Bobby Jindal defends his Catholic faith in a philosophical piece from some years ago, when he converted from Hinduism. As Ed Morrissey puts it, this is comparative religion, Catholic Apologetics 101. Apparently this is the stuff of political opposition research now.

The Democrats are attacking him in a dishonest ad, suggesting he is anti-Protestant. RCP Blog has it here, with more discussion.

Aside from the shock that Democrat politicos might care a rip about respecting anyone's religion, they once again illustrate that they have little respect for either faith by trying to set them against each other.

I happened to hear Rep. Jindal, when he was running for governor the first time, on a radio show a few summers ago, driving up from Texas to Illinois. Bright, articulate and immensely appealing on the air.

Quin Hillyer, the American Spectator, on this American success story "Hope Floats on the Bayou".

Best of luck to Bobby in his race. Jindal for Governor!

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