"Petraeus and Bush are carefully manipulating these statistics."This from a proven cheat and liar like Dick Durbin. (who did not even have the courtesy to attend a July briefing by General Petraeus, and then lied about it.)
General Petraeus stated up front that the report was his and his alone. And here is the former commander of CENTCOM, General Tommy Franks, in an interview with Sean Hannity:
Well, let me tell you something, Sean, that you do not need to suspend any disbelief for.You know, this surge was announced eight months ago, it was completed about three months ago. During the period of time that is has been enforced, I think 45 percent fewer Iraqis have lost their lives across the country.I think in Baghdad, 80 percent fewer have lost their lives than was the case before. It is pretty hard to cook those books.
I mean, the facts are the facts, Sean.Sen. John Ensign on MoveOn's despicable ad, and the complicity of the Democrat leadership. Human Events:
Dick Durbin and the Democrats want power at any price, even assassinating the character of a respected general who has repeatedly put his life on the line to protect us from terrorist assassins.MoveOn.org has labeled General Petraeus a liar and a traitor to his country, a betrayer of the public trust.
Republicans have condemned this ad and all that it suggests. Democrats have allowed, and tacitly encouraged, this extreme liberal group to define what their party stands for and they are doing nothing to stop it. That silence you hear from the other side of the aisle is because of one simple fact: because ‘they’ are one in the same -- Moveon.org and the Democrat Party. “We bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.” Those are the now infamous words spoken by MoveOn.org founder Eli Pariser when speaking about the Democrat Party after the 2004 elections. “We own it.” That message was clear when Senate Democrats objected on the floor of the Senate to a resolution to denounce the despicable ad calling Gen. Petraeus a traitor. Make no mistake -- MoveOn.org owns the Democrat Party.
Those of you who voted for Dems---is this really what you voted for?
You have a better choice.
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