Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Durbin's Team Admits Wrongdoing

Durbin's people admit wrongdoing and stupidity on the issue of their video to Yearly Kos. NY Times blog, The Caucus runs interference for Durbin's people by softpedaling the whole thing, but some damning quotes emerge (HT Reverse Spin) :
Today a spokesman for Mr. Durbin, the assistant majority leader, acknowledged that the video had been made using Senate equipment and should not have been posted.

The spokesman, Michael Daly, acknowledged that Mr. Durbin’s team made what amounted to a “clerical error,” but said that they did not intentionally violate Senate ethics rules. A section of the Senate Ethics Manual notes that it is improper to use the Senate seal in connection with campaign messages.

“We’ve taken it down, and it shouldn’t have been there,” Mr. Daly said. He added that the campaign consultants who posted the video to Mr. Durbin’s YouTube site were not aware it had been produced in the Senate’s recording studio.
So government equipement was being used for campaign purposes. How could this be a "clerical error"? The video was no public service announcement but clearly a political speech for a political audience. They are just sorry for getting caught posting it, as the Senate seal gave them away. By putting it back up on YouTube they are surely signaling they are not worried about any Senate Ethics committee investigation and revealing their contempt for the public.

P.S. The NY Times double standard again.

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