Thursday, October 25, 2007

Obama between rock and hard place

Barack Obama between a rock and a hard place. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Maybe he'll learn something. Donnie McClurkin, video:UPDATE: Sweet with more.

UPDATE: Obama has gone after 17 year olds in Iowa, now he's reaching even younger voters. WaPo, Donors in Diapers, taking his appeal to the naive and inexperienced to a new level:
Elrick Williams's toddler niece Carlyn may be one of the youngest contributors to this year's presidential campaign. The 2-year-old gave $2,300 to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

So did her sister and brother, Imara, 13, and Ishmael, 9, and her cousins Chan and Alexis, both 13. Altogether, according to newly released campaign finance reports, the extended family of Williams, a wealthy Chicago financier, handed over nearly a dozen checks in March for the maximum allowed under federal law to Obama.

Such campaign donations from young children would almost certainly run afoul of campaign finance regulations, several campaign lawyers said.

Apparently their occupation is listed as "student". And The Hill says Obama is not resonating. (maybe he should try to sing at his upcoming campaign events.) Via RCP.

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