Monday, December 17, 2007

President Obama, Genius

President Barack Obama, Genius. NY Times:
Mr. Obama, in an interview on Friday, addressed the shift in sentiment about his prospects of beating Mrs. Clinton in Iowa and holding her off in New Hampshire and other states that follow. “A month ago, I was an idiot,” he said. “This month, I’m a genius.”
Not to worry Barack, we know you haven't changed.
As he reaches out to those voters, Mr. Obama imposes upon them a heavy sense of responsibility. At the same time, he seems to unwittingly raise expectations for his own campaign here.

“You in Iowa have this extraordinary privilege of choosing who the next president of the United States is going to be,” Mr. Obama told an audience in Guttenberg on the opening leg of his bus tour. “Whoever wins this caucus is likely to win the nomination and is likely to win the presidency.”

You think this is the Dem machine in Illinois, Barack? Think again.

UPDATE: Obama the lawyer contributes behind the scenes to Motor Voter. Sun Times:

In 1995, former Republican Gov. Jim Edgar refused to implement the federal "Motor Voter" law, which Republicans argued could invite fraud and which some Republicans feared could swell the ranks of Democratic voters.

The law mandated people be allowed to register to vote in government offices such as driver's license renewal centers.

Obama sued on behalf of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. The League of Women Voters and other public-interest groups joined in.

"He and his client were the ones who filed the original case -- they blazed the trail," said Paul Mollica, who represented the League.

Previous post: Hope is all they have

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