Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hope is all they have

Jonah Goldberg on The Democrats feel-good guy, Barack Obama and the politics of hope.

Meanwhile the Do-Nothing Democrats in Congress have stalled on doing the people's business, still holding needed funding for the troops hostage, in thrall to their nutroots left. WSJ:
After enjoying an early rise, Congress's approval ratings have fallen since the spring amid the rancor. In the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, just 19% of respondents said they approved of the job Congress is doing, while 68% disapproved.
And the Democrats just lost two special House elections, in the bellwether states of Ohio and Virginia. Rahmbo's House is crumbling.

While millions of Americans are facing higher taxes in the AMT, and late refunds, Dem House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spends thousands on flowers alone, upping her spending by 63% over the previous officeholder (Republican Dennis Hastert of Illinois). Democrats threatened to cut all earmarks if Republicans didn't agree to higher spending on the budget--the Republicans response--make my day. 80% of the earmarks are Dems. Now the Dems have caved on spending, as Republicans stood firm, having learned their lesson at the hands of angry taxpayers from the last election.

Dems sling accusations at each other--and we Republicans in the minority are holding Democrats captive:)!!! WaPo:
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) accuses Senate Democratic leaders of developing "Stockholm syndrome," showing sympathy to their Republican captors by caving in on legislation to provide middle-class tax cuts paid for with tax increases on the super-rich, tying war funding to troop withdrawal timelines, and mandating renewable energy quotas. If Republicans want to filibuster a bill, Rangel said, Reid should keep the bill on the Senate floor and force the Republicans to talk it to death.

Reid, in turn, has taken to the Senate floor to criticize what he called the speaker's "iron hand" style of governance.

No Iron Lady, just an iron hand:)

Hope is all the Dems have. A tall-taled, thin hope in the Big O. (And even Oprah is waffling on that.)

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