Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Clouded Aura for Obama

Tribune on Barack's close, personal friend Tony Rezko:
A federal judge today denied a bid by lawyers for Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a former fundraiser for Gov. Rod Blagojevich, to delay his February trial on corruption charges.

U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve said the trial would begin Feb. 25 as planned, despite complaints from Rezko's defense that prosecutors have been slow to turn over voluminous records.
And the national press is tracking Rezko. MSNBC's First Read links to the Trib, and AP's story, with this preface:
A federal judge denied a request to delay they the fraud trial of businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a one-time key Obama fundraiser and friend while the now-presidential candidate was in the Illinois state senate and during his U.S. Senate run. Rezko was also an adviser to and fundraiser for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
So Obama could be the anointed nominee after Tsunami Tuesday on Feb. 5th and immediately be under a cloud. Given his messiah aura, this would not be good.

UPDATE: Thomas Sowell on Barack:

The question of what kind of President each candidate would make is infinitely more important than all the "horse race" handicapping that dominates the media.

By far the best presentation as a candidate, among all the candidates in both parties, is that of Barack Obama. But if he actually believes even half of the irresponsible nonsense he talks, he would be an utter disaster in the White House.

UPDATE: Kyle-Anne Shiver, The American Thinker reminds us of Obama's unsavory start in politics. His ruthless philosophical mentor, Saul Alinsky, his bizarre pastor, and how he ran his first campaign. Of course there was nothing legally wrong.

Related posts: Liberal Fascism, Obama Obsession, Hope is not enough, Obama Haunted by Sleaze

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