Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hello Illinois! Vote for Mitt!

Hello Illinois! How Mitt turned around his state--a grown up in the corner office. Blue State Massachusetts was in bad shape when Mitt took over as newly elected governor. He turned a $3 billion deficit into a $2 billion surplus/rainy-day fund. Maybe he can't be our governor, but with Mitt Romney as president, he will cut taxes and understands what it takes to cut spending, grow the economy and create jobs. We need a grown up in the Oval office.

Hello Chicago! Thinking about the Olympics here in 2016? Mitt responded to an urgent appeal, came in and turned around the Olympics, three months after Sept. 11th.

Hello Republicans! Mitt Romney can turn around our party. He governed as a conservative in a Blue State, stepped up for life, firmly supports the war on terror and in Iraq as well as understanding the challenges of our foreign policy in totality. Mitt Romney respects the hard work and achievement of private enterprise, has strong conservative positions across the board and is not afraid to debate them, as he showed last night.

We are now in a two man race and a few points movement by conservatives will be enough to tip the scales toward Governor Romney. We conservatives value family, hard work, and freedom, at home and abroad. Get behind our best choice for America's future. Make that choice--vote for Mitt.

P.S. Does Sen. McCain, who "led for patriotism, not profit", think companies should be unprofitable?

UPDATE: Paul at Powerline, "The Core Difference Between McCain and Romney". And what would a McCain-dominated GOP platform look like?

UPDATE: National Journal--McCain doesn't rate (OK, I took a liberal interpretation:):
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the only other senator whose presidential candidacy survived the initial round of primaries and caucuses this year, did not vote frequently enough in 2007 to draw a composite score. He missed more than half of the votes in both the economic and foreign-policy categories.
UDPATE: New Rasmussen Illinois poll out (taken just before Florida and before Giuliani withdrew):
McCain 34%
Romney 26%
(Giuliani 9%)
Huckabee 16%
Paul 10%

Just 54% of voters in the state are confident they will stick with their current choice when Election Day finally arrives. Fifteen percent (15%) say there’s a good chance they could change their mind. That figure, of course, went even higher with the withdrawal of Giuliani.

Forty-one percent (41%) consider the top voting issue to be the economy. Eighteen percent (18%) say it’s National Security while 14% name Immigration as their top priority.
RCP average here.

UPDATE: Good piece by James Taranto in WSJ's Best of the Web, questioning McCain's cavalier attitude to the private sector and the economy.

UPDATE: McCain getting some press today[correction,

(02-18) 04:00 PST Greenville, S.C. -- Editor's Note: This article was published on Feb. 18, 2000. In January 2008, at least two national web sites posted links to it. As a result, it appeared in the list of SFGate's Most Read articles.

an old article, but obviously circulating--apparently he has apologized] in the San Francisco Chronicle and WSJ on a racial slur he made, and this has been circulating for some time on Huffpo. Also AP "Romney: McCain Used Nixon-Like tactic" (filed by the hostile reporter--guess he couldn't find anything on Mitt):

Hastert told reporters that he had worked with McCain on legislation early in his congressional career but "after the Keating Five scandal, he changed." By contrast, Hastert said Romney has "never been involved in scandal."

McCain was one of five senators involved in the Keating Five savings- and-loan scandal. The Senate Ethics Committee cited McCain for "poor judgment" but recommended no further action.

UPDATE: Mark Levin, NRO--Conservatives need to rally to Romney before it's too late!

Related post: GOP Illinois, Focus on the Race

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