"This has become a habit, and one of the things that we're going to have to do is to directly confront Bill Clinton when he's making statements that are not factually accurate," Obama added.And the dirt flies in Nevada.
Who has the greater scandal? Hillary's planned sinister assault on civil liberties, all in the name of our health--we know what's good for you. Secret task force papers finally released creating a firestorm. (Well, not among Democrats. Liberals don't really care about civil liberties.)
And then there is the unnamed political candidate named in the Rezko indictment. Shall we call him candidate X? Or maybe candidate O:
...who has become very charitable all of a sudden:In 13 years in politics, Obama has gotten at least $168,000 in campaign donations from Rezko, his family and business associates. The Sun-Times reported that figure last June. Obama’s “best estimate” seven months earlier had been that Rezko had raised no more than $60,000 for him.
When Obama ran for the U.S. Senate, Rezko held a June 27, 2003, cocktail party in Rezko’s Wilmette mansion, picking up the tab for the lavish event. Obama’s campaign staff has said it has no records to show who attended that party, or how much it cost.
More shoes to drop before strategic primaries? And on transparency, actually Obama and the Dems in Congress have blocked those very reforms he initiated.Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is giving to charity more than $40,000 additional in past political contributions linked to Tony Rezko, his indicted former fund-raiser, Obama's campaign said Saturday.
The contributions are from seven individuals who contributed to Obama's House and Senate campaigns. None of the money was for his presidential bid.
As for Rezko, my friend John Ruberry over at Marathon Pundit has a good take on that.
So we have Hillary's ability to be ready on day one (for what you may well ask--she still presumably has her stash of FBI files ready to wreak havoc on her political enemies--with Sen. Jay Rockefeller eager to engage in the politics of personal destruction).
And we have Obama's judgment in continually dealing for dollars with a total scum.
UPDATE: Hillary papers are ignored by MSM. Captain Ed here. And I ask-- will it be up to the Obama camp to get the word out?:)
UPDATE: (Don't count on Obama--it's a tangled Dem web.) Reverse Spin: Major Hillary donor tries to silence victims, with this connection:
One of the ironies is that IPA’s lawyer is Myron “Mike” Cherry, a man who says here he linked IPA to the Clintons. Cherry has been identified in published reports as “Individual H” in the indictment of Tony Rezko.UPDATE: And Flying Debris alerts us to Obama's continued association with granny-grifter and Ilinois state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.
Just this weekend, Hillary’s opponent Barack Obama donated more than $40,000 to charity that was linked to Rezko.
Related posts: Rezko on the Radar, Madigan-Blago-Rezko, Clouded Aura for Obama, The Repulsive Hillary, nOpe, Those Insider Outsiders
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