Thursday, January 31, 2008

Obama Most Liberal

Sen. Barack Obama(D-IL) has knocked Sen. Dick Durbin(D-IL) off the top spot, now rated by National Journal as the most liberal member of the US Senate. Obama is good at talking centrist, but consistently votes left (when he bothers to vote).

No prizes for why our state economy is in the tank, (aside from our governor, whom no one ever, ever mentions as a possible presidential candidate).

Some more Obama-related stories. Obama's longtime buddy Tony Rezko does not want to postpone his trial, set to begin Feb. 25th (he is already in jail, you can't blame the guy for that), and Obama-backer (for sure) Zorn is worried.

UPDATE: Flying Debris on a new blog--RezkoWatch. Cool muckety-map. Discover the network.

Previous post: Mr. Rezko and Mr. Obama

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