Thursday, January 03, 2008

Trash Talk from the Huckabee Camp

First there was the Huckster's "non-negative" negative ad rollout, then there was his campaign manager Ed Rollins talking about knocking out Mitt's teeth, now this.

P.S. Rollins overheard calling Andrea Mitchell "sweetie" several times. Wrong on so many levels. Ick.

P.P.S Sounds kind of un-Christian to me.

UPDATE: Huckabee has the win in Iowa and just saw Ed Rollins on FoxNews--wow, does he have a chip on his shoulder--very unpleasant--you'd think he'd be jubilant.

UPDATE: Factcheck finds Huckabee disingenuous again. Analysis of the "pulled" attack ad.

UPDATE: Here's the FoxNews clip, where Rollins confirms the Townhall blogger report of his trash talk.

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