Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Ultimate Con

Hillary squeezes out the tears and out-Oprah's Obama to bring out women in droves. Jonah Goldberg comments on this phenomenon, "Voting in the age of Dr. Phil":
"Authenticity" -- on which voters supposedly place such a premium -- is really just a label put on self-validation. Bill Clinton infamously promised he felt our pain. Hillary Clinton similarly sold her 2000 bid for the Senate by arguing that she was more concerned about the issues that concern New Yorkers than was her competitor.

Question: Would you prefer a blase surgeon remove your appendix or a very concerned plumber?
Ah yes, and the Huckster is running as the "authentic" conservative as he peddles the elixir of class envy, masking his liberal record, vilifying for votes the very people who create jobs.

Goldberg has written a new book, Liberal Fascism, a primer on demagogues who promise to feel your pain but pull us into their own special hell. Perhaps I exaggerate, but do these self-promoters know what to do other than promote themselves?

It's the ultimate con.

The Clintons won elections but Democrats lost across the country. Mike Huckabee followed them in Arkansas, interrupted by the governorship of one of their cronies, who ended up in jail. Huckabee left Arkansas a shambles, raising taxes by half a billion dollars in a poor state, and releasing more criminals than the 3 previous governors combined, and two of them were Democrats. Barack Obama offers dreams and hope and precious little else, except his supreme self.

This sensitive plumber is what Hillary has in store for us for health care. This folksy Arkansas governor with the chip on his shoulder can quip all he likes but it won't jump-start the economy like a hefty tax cut will. As for Barack Obama, as a veteran observer of the world said about him, "Nobody ever charmed anybody out of a nuclear weapon".

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