Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Vitamin-Starved Stevenson

Rove on Barack:
When it comes to making the case against Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama comes across as a vitamin-starved Adlai Stevenson. His rhetoric, while eloquent and moving at times, has been too often light as air.
(Who would think anyone could be wimpier than Adlai Stevenson? Quite an accomplishment for our bright young man--hey, he'll take 'em where he can get 'em) Much more here.

How much more can Adlai's reputation take? And he's dead.

(OK, I'm done blogging for the day, night. Good night.)

P.S. Barack didn't take Karl's advice from December.

P.P.S. Let's make these historic figures history. They are so dull already.

Previous post: But we can always hOpe

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