Monday, January 14, 2008

Undernews on Obama

Mickey Kaus says there are emails circulating on Obama's church, presumably largely by Hillary--undernews alert.

It's come up on blogs here, Left and Right. Chicagoans have known about this issue for some time, but then most support Obama, and Oprah goes there too.

The issue for me is not his church per se, that shouldn't be a political issue, it's his pastor's black separatist talk. You could argue it's a relic of the Black Power movement of a generation ago, but the talk is still up on the church website here.

I blogged about this issue last week, part of a back and forth among local bloggers.

Related posts: Democrats' Lies and Evasions on Iraq, Obama the Baby Killer, Reaping the Whirlwind, Clouded Aura for Obama

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