Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hazmat at Home

The liberal Boston Globe with helpful hints on those ugly new eco-bulbs. HT Taranto's Best of the Web.:
If a bulb breaks, get children and pets out of the room. Ventilate the room. Never use a vacuum--even on a rug--to clean up a compact fluorescent light. Instead, while wearing rubber gloves, use stiff paper such as index cards and tape to pick up pieces, then wipe the area with a wet wipe or damp paper towel. If there are young children or pregnant woman in the house, consider cutting out the piece of carpet where the bulb broke. Use a glass jar with a screw top to contain the shards and clean-up debris.

Get the Hazmat team.

Doesn't this seem like a lot of trouble? And asking for trouble? Granted I don't break a bulb often--the last time was hauling the Christmas tree out and knocking over a lamp. But I don't really want to be on a ladder and have one break when I'm screwing it in--glass shards are bad enough, but mercury. Guess I can just cut my hair (but what about my face?)--or get a Hazmat hood for the home. Lovely.

They are also toxic waste as you may gather, with all those implications.

Latest on global warming from NRO's Planet Gore:

Drew Thornley, a policy analyst at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Economic Freedom and Center for Natural Resources — and a new Planet Gore contributor — chimes in on the inconvenient truth of global cooling (and solar variability).

Al Gore won an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize for his documentary An Inconvenient Truth. He should be grateful that neither committee has provisions for a recount.

New data from all four of the major global temperature tracking outlets show that world temperatures last year dropped between 0.65 and 0.75 degrees Celsius. That’s the largest one-year temperature change ever recorded — up or down — and is large enough to wipe out virtually an entire century of warming.

Enough of these nanny-state mandates--you realize the Dem Congress voted to phase out the incandescent bulb? Bring back that bulb--it's for our health!

Previous posts: A Cold Showergate, Taxing Water and a Cool $3 Trillion, Minnesotans for Global Warming

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