Friday, February 15, 2008

Recap of Wilmette AH Town Mtg

Earlier this week I linked to my friend's post about the recent Wilmette town meeting on "affordable" housing. Here's another take, a recap by a Wilmette resident:
Residents spoke first, and by a margin of approximately 4 to 1, they expressed opposition to an expansion of our existing Affordable Housing plan and ordinance. The prevailing sentiment was that tax dollars should not be spent on affordable housing initiatives. Many of the residents speaking against expansion also included a specific objection to increasing density within the Village. Most of the e-mails sent to the Board before the meeting echoed these themes as well.
The Village Board then held a discussion of the proposals to expand on the existing plan, and in the end, there was no consensus to do anything recommended in the expansion proposal "at this time." However, there was no up or down vote on any specific proposal, and so the issue still looms and could be brought up again later.
We all need to keep an eye on this obviously.

Related posts: Wilmette: Whose village is it anyway?, Tax hike Looms over Wilmette

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