We want out.
It's a damned spot, as long as we are a part of corrupt Cook. Whether we call it Lincoln County, or Reagan County, we want out. Dennis Byrne:
But under current law, voters throughout Cook County would have to approve the disconnection, which is about as likely as the fresh scent of virtue wafting down Chicago City Hall corridors.Or maybe Dirksen County. “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money.” Stop the pain! Secede!
Indeed, chances aren't much better for the General Assembly passing this legislation. It has been consigned to the rules committees of both houses, the usual resting places for orphaned bills. Even if it came to a vote, you won't find many lawmakers around the state who would be prepared to upset the established political order by making it easier for indignant voters to carve up the existing government infrastructure.
But as dismal as the outlook for this legislation is, it's even more remote that Stroger and the County Board will reform themselves. Or that the county electorate—content to be lambs shepherded by scoundrels—will actually force reform.
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