Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Kristen": NEA's Worst Enemy

A byproduct of Spitzer's fall, a win for school choice? Mickey Kaus, Slate, "Kristen", the NEA's worst enemy? quotes Ben Smith on the presumed next governor of New York:
A prominent advocate of publicly funded vouchers for private schools, Clint Bolick, has given [now-Lt. Gov. David] Paterson money and describes him as a "very good friend of the school-choice movement,".
Well, if this plays out, that is very good news. Given the situation in another key blue state, California, where parents who choose to home school their kids are being criminalized by the courts, school choice could use some high-profile help. American educators are puzzled by the success of kids in Finnish schools--apparently they read books. And it could have something to do with culture.

And maybe a one-size-fits-all approach to learning in our consumer society is an outdated concept that is not serving us well. Some discussion of this by even the NY Times.

Sen. JohnMcCain also mentioned school choice in his speech when he won the GOP nomination, signaling this as a campaign issue for 2008:
I will leave it to my opponent to argue that we should abrogate trade treaties, and pretend the global economy will go away and Americans can secure our future by trading and investing only among ourselves. We will campaign in favor of seizing the opportunities presented by the growth of free markets throughout the world, helping displaced workers acquire new and lasting employment and educating our children to prepare them for the new economic realities by giving parents choices about their children's education they do not have now
... and perhaps bringing along a key demographic that's a bellwether for victory. It's the civil rights issue of our time.

(More evidence of the law of unintended consequences when arrogant liberals overreach?)

Related posts: Who is Client 10?, Internet Savvy Schools, Those Pernicious Ed Schools

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