Thursday, April 10, 2008

Another Dumb Dick Durbin Idea

Another dumb Dick Durbin idea--raising taxes on the brink of recession. The WSJ outlines a better approach that will actually work. And Steve Sauerberg is our solution in the Senate:

Durbin's Record on Taxes - A Consistent Failure

The National Taxpayers Union, a Prominent Taxpayer Watchdog Group, Released their 2007 Rankings and for the 11th Year in a Row they Rate Durbin as an F

(Rockford, IL) - Yesterday, the National Taxpayers Union (NTU), a prominent national taxpayer watchdog group, released their annual ratings of the members of Congress. For the 11th year in a row, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) was rated an F. "Dick Durbin's record on taxes has been a consistent failure," said U.S. Senate nominee Steve Sauerberg, M.D.

NTU grades Senators based on how they voted on all measures affecting taxes, spending, debt, free trade, and federal regulation. In total, the 2007 scorecard used 182 Senate roll call votes. These votes measure the extent to which a member of Congress supports policies that lower taxes and reduce government spending and regulation of private enterprise. A grade of A indicates that the senator is a Taxpayer Friend.

"Dick Durbin's record on fighting for taxpayers is pathetic," continued Sauerberg. "He consistently votes to raise taxes on the hard-working men and women of Illinois. Adding insult to injury, Senator Durbin then turns around and supports spending those tax dollars on special interest pork barrel projects all across the country."

"Dick Durbin has turned Illinois into America's ATM, as taxpayers here are forced to foot the bill for wasteful projects in other states. It's shameful that Durbin has allowed our state to rank 5th worst on the return of federal dollars that we send to Washington," said Sauerberg.

"In uncertain economic times Illinoisans need more money in their pockets - not less. Raising taxes in the teeth of a recession, which is exactly what Dick Durbin proposes, would be a disaster," continued Sauerberg.

"When I am representing the people of Illinois in the U.S. Senate, I will be an outspoken fighter for the taxpayers of this state, rather than a shill for the special interests," concluded Sauerberg.

Related posts: Democrats' Extreme Friends, Torturing the Truth, Obama Most Liberal

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