Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Barack and Load

Wilmette's Hale DeMar makes the debate. Robert Verbruggen, The American Spectator, "Barack and Load", Obama trying to finesse the gun issue among sports-loving Pennsylvanians:
Obama can refuse to "take a stance" on the DC ban all he wants, but he had to choose sides regarding Illinois senate bill 2165, which related to similar laws in his home state. The legislation came about in response to the case of Hale DeMar, who shot a home invader, only to find himself with a $750 fine from the Village of Wilmette for owning a handgun.

The bill allowed self-defense as a legal defense against local firearms charges. Obama voted against it. In 1996 he (or maybe "a campaign aide") also indicated on an interest-group survey that he supports handgun bans. Obama has yet to change his mind about any of this publicly, or even in e-mails to sportsmen's groups.
I would imagine DeMar is not an Obama fan. But maybe the home invader is. He's probably due to get out of jail again.

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