This is happening in a Minneapolis suburb, and CAIR, a Hamas front organization posing as a civil rights group, is menacing a columnist and a substitute teacher who exposed the Islamic school. More from Scott at Powerline.
Last fall CAIR went after a report by the NYPD Radicalization in the West: The Home-Grown Threat. The NYPD has good reason to take such a threat seriously, and the report was well-received by moderate Muslims, but CAIR claimed to speak for all. Stephen Schwartz outlines a modus operandi similar to CAIR's approach now in Minneapolis:
The Wahhabi lobby activists in New York then completed their "Community Statement." It consists of little more than nitpicking over the sources and conclusions of the NYPD report, notably rejecting any association of Wahhabi "Salafism" with jihadism. But more important, the defenders of Wahhabism arrogated to themselves the right to decide what the city's police should do in response to the challenge of radical Islam. The extremists would set the NYPD's overall agenda, forcing Commissioner Kelly and his personnel to work according to Wahhabi guidelines and at the Wahhabis' convenience.
The radical Muslim response to the NYPD report predictably employed the pretexts of alleged "profiling" and "inappropriate" criteria. But the report did not embody "profiling;" rather, it was an academic-style work based on open source documents and serious expertise, and utilized a case study approach drawing on terrorism incidents abroad. These included the March 2004 Madrid metro massacre, in which 191 people died and some 2,000 were injured, the November 2004 murder of Dutch film-maker Theo Van Gogh in Amsterdam, the July 2005 London transport attacks, with 52 commuters killed and 700 hurt, and thwarted conspiracies in Australia and Canada.
The article goes on to detail the Wahhabi lobby using our own universities, notably Columbia in New York, to agitate against and undermine our law enforcement agencies. Now our elementary schools are targeted for a similar fate. Schwartz mentions another school in New York which was recently exposed as an intifada academy. You may recall this. More background here and here.
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