Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chicago Way Honored

The Chicago Way is honored at Northwestern University's commencement, as the school replaces Barack Obama's spiritual mentor with one of his political ones, namely, Mayor Richard M. Daley, who will speechify. Tribune:
NU's other commencement ceremony choices have come under fire this year as well. Some Law School students were upset by the decision to have controversial talk show host Jerry Springer speak this month. And the university rescinded an offer to bestow an honorary degree on Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Jennifer Cota, a junior and president of the Northwestern Class Alliance, the student government branch of the school's alumni association, said the choice of Daley was a hot topic among the 35 students in her Chicago Way literature class Wednesday.

"I think it's a great choice compared to Jerry Springer," said Cota, 21. "I think people were hoping it would be a famous Northwestern alum. I think people just really wanted someone huge"

Social policy major Alexandra Broin had another take.

"I know that there are some different questionable ethical things going on as long as one or both of the Daleys have been in office," said Broin, 22. "He is a questionable source for giving graduating seniors advice on how they go about taking that next important step in life."

Senior David Lassiter, 22, said he was satisfied with the choice—sort of.

"Obviously he's part of a Chicago legacy," he said. "It's not a disappointment, but I wanted Barack."
Yup. Barack Obama, part of the Chicago way. Meanwhile the Rezko trial continues, with a juror "spilling the beans". What's in store on that score? It looks like the trial may spill over into next week. Separately, Rezko is charged for $470,000 in gambling debts in Las Vegas. How much did he raise for Barack Obama? (And where did he get the money?) More incentive for another stirring speech...from Tony the Feds. (Dems taking a huge gamble with Barack Obama.) But the man gives a good speech.

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