Thursday, May 29, 2008

Will Barack Go to Iraq?

Once again, Barack Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth. Just yesterday his campaign sneeringly dismissed a trip to Iraq. Now, a possible about face (but of course he won't commit--what else is new, he's so nuanced). NY Times:
For weeks, aides to Mr. Obama have been quietly discussing a foreign trip, but the long Democratic nominating contest delayed concrete plans.

“I think that if I’m going to Iraq, then I’m there to talk to troops and talk to commanders,” Mr. Obama said. “I’m not there to try to score political points or perform. The work they’re doing there is too important.”
Well, how about cutting out the political posturing and putting your money where your mouth is, Barack--go on record and actually vote to fund our troops. It's unconscionable that their training, supply chain and families at home are being put at risk by the Democrat Congress playing politics with the money they need just to do their jobs.

And this guy wants to be commander in chief? What are you afraid of Barack?

UPDATE: Speaking of Obama talking out of both sides of his mouth, the oh so nuanced Sen. Obama tries to "clarify" his remarks on meeting with axil of evil dictators without preconditions. The NY Times obliges (emphasis mine):
The issue presents one of Mr. Obama’s biggest political and policy tests yet as he appears headed toward a general-election contest against Senator John McCain of Arizona: How to continue to add nuance to a policy argument that he views as a winning one, without playing into a fierce round of accusations that he is either shifting positions or appeasing the enemy.
But Jake Tapper, ABC Political Punch examines the record and finds Obama less than honest, "Obama v Obama?"

UPDATE: Karl Rove in the WSJ, "Obama's Revisionist History"

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