Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Throws Sweetie Under the Bus

Ooh, Obama just got the feminazi endorsement from NARAL, and now he calls some reporter, "sweetie".

Emily's List backs Hillary, and they're mad about the endorsement, as is the NY NARAL. Obama tossed off the sweetie talk on an auto plant tour in search of blue collar, mostly male votes. (I wonder, did he do it on purpose to prove he wasn't a pansy? Is he exploiting sexist sentiment?--though I have to say, Hillary is not the best test of a woman running for office--people can't stand her for all sorts of reasons.) I suppose he probably just did it without thinking. Video:Throwing "sweetie" under the bus. The guys around her laughed. Sweetie was not amused (though it was kind of a broad question). That one America is getting problematic.

UPDATE: Obama apologizes to WXYZ reporter. (Indirectly blames staff again.)

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