Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Why is Barack Running?

Barack wants to pay for our groceries.

Homeless veterans on the streets.

The planet's in peril.

eeevil everywhere!

Ooh, he's met people in small towns and big cities.

I think he's about to start singing.

...McCain is out of touch with core American values. (We'll see about that.)

Ooh, a little sensitive, people pouncing on every gaffe--an attack on Barack is an attack on you America.

Barack wants to end politics.

He wants to tell the truth. "Forcefully, repeatedly, confidently", even if coming from an imperfect messenger (stealing McCain's line)

It's not surrender to end the war, not weakness but wisdom to talk to our enemies

common hopes

it's a critical moment in history, me a more perfect union, plus Michelle

yes we can. it's not about me, it's about you. yeah right

Related posts: Schakowsky on Fox, Barackula the Musical, Batter Up, Those Naive Dem Enablers, Barack's Axis of Evil

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