Monday, June 02, 2008

Barack the Empty Suit

David Axelrod is a bad liar, on Barack Obama's behalf. And Obama displays very bad judgment. In case you missed this--HotAir, with video.

Another inoperative operator, uh comment.

But Barack Obama gives a good speech, enlisting us in a cause as great as himself. Bill Kristol:
But at an elite Northeastern college campus, Obama obviously felt no need to disturb the placid atmosphere of easy self-congratulation. He felt no need to remind students of a different kind of public service — one that entails more risks than community organizing. He felt no need to tell the graduating seniors in the lovely groves of Middletown that they should be grateful to their peers who were far away facing dangers on behalf of their country.
As we have come to know, Obama's words are often rendered inoperative, his accomplishments come down to his campaign and his character is shallow and self-absorbed. For all his gifted flair, Barack Obama is an empty suit.

Previous post: Acorn Fells Obama Tree?

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