Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jewish Dems For McCain

Trouble for Obama among a key constituency. A major Florida Dem donor decamps to McCain. The Hill:
“Many Jewish Democrats are sensing there is such an existential threat to Israel that you have to vote for an individual who strongly supports the U.S.-Israel relationship,” said Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), chairman of the GOP’s Jewish Victory Coalition. [snip]

McCain held a fundraiser with Jewish donors on Friday in Key Biscayne, Fla. Before the main event, McCain met with a roomful of Jewish Democratic donors to discuss Israel and other issues important to them.

As many as two dozen Jewish Democrats who attended the meeting gave money to McCain’s campaign at the fundraiser, which raised about $500,000, said a source close to the event’s organizers.
Sen. McCain already has the support of Sen. Joe Lieberman, whom Obama's allies in the MSM slandered just the other day. Lieberman joined Sen. McCain in Chicago a few weeks ago.

Obama's stance on national security is troubling, and his own statements feed into the concern about his numerous anti-Semitic allies and supporters. Some of his other supporters have noticed--perhaps they will change allegiance as well?

HT HotAir

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