Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Sober Reminder

As the Democrats try to rewrite history, and the MSM Obama organs try to blur the difference between John McCain and Barack Obama on national security, now that he is pretending to move to the center, a reminder of the Obama Master Plan, in which I included the following video. IBD, via LGF. No wonder he doesn't care to meet with General Petraeus, here or in Iraq. Here it is again: UPDATE: Obama doesn't want to know--yes he is rigid on this point, (and a doctrinaire leftie peacenik) the surge is working. Al Qaeda is on the defensive, and we need to press our advantage in Iraq and the region so we don't have to go back again against a nuclear-armed Iran and its murderous terrorist parasites. And the Democrats still haven't funded the troops in the field, or their families at home. Thomas Sowell on Barack's cocky ignorance.

--crossposted at UNCoRRELATED

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