Obama’s relationship with members of the Windy City’s vaunted politician machine, including Mayor Richard M. Daley.Hot Summer in the Second City beach reading.
Freddoso also will probe Obama’s ties to more radical Chicago figures including the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ, and William Ayers, the Hyde Park resident and former Weatherman.
Moving to the national stage, the book will argue that Obama’s political views are far to the left of the mainstream.
UPDATE: Yuval Levin, The Corner, concludes Obama has dishonestly padded his resume in his first general election campaign ad, with this kicker:
Even under the most generous reading imaginable could any of that count as passing legislation that extended health care for wounded troops? The Chicago Tribune noted the problem on its blog last week but defended Obama by pointing out that John McCain didn’t vote for the bill either. That would be an interesting piece of information if John McCain had cited this bill as among his chief legislative accomplishments.But then Barack has nothing else to cite.
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