Monday, June 16, 2008

Obama and the Dems: Abortionists

More on Obama's abortion position, let us remember. Some may delude themselves, so here is more evidence. John McCormack, TWS:

In a speech before Planned Parenthood last July, Barack Obama said: "The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act." Obama is a co-sponsor of the act, which would prohibit discrimination against abortion through the "regulation or provision of benefits, facilities, services, or information"--i.e. if government funds childbirth, government must fund abortion.

Following Obama's Planned Parenthood speech last July, the Chicago Tribune reported: "Asked about his proposal for expanded access to health insurance, Obama said it would cover 'reproductive-health services.' Contacted afterward, an Obama spokesman said that included abortions." So Obama supports taxpayer funding not just for Medicaid recipients' abortions. In principle, he supports coverage for anyone who wants it.

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