Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rahmbo Mumbo Jumbo

I saw Rahmbo Emanuel swaggering around on the news last night, bashing the oil companies. A few points. Oil companies bid to lease government land without knowing whether there is oil there or not. They spend billions--and 60% are dry holes.

Will the government give them their money back?

I thought not.

Rahmbo says use it or lose it, but that's already the law

Got something new Democrats?

This is what the American people want: Drill here, Drill now, Pay less--where we have proven reserves!!!

Lift the ban on offshore drilling on the Outer Continental shelf, far from our beaches, but rich with oil. New technology is least intrusive, protecting coral reefs and habitat.

Lift the ban on oil shale extraction in the Green River Basin of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming-- three times larger than the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia. It will keep us going for a century, more than enough time to get nuclear online, and get us away from indirectly or directly funding terrorists.

Obstructionist Democrats.

And where'd you get your numbers Rahmbo?

Congressman Hinchey wants to nationalize the oil companies, joining loony leftie Castro-loving Maxine Waters. (Just give Cuba and China our oil, no problem.) Now there's an idea. Rahmbo out on a rig, fighting for you. A national oil company run with the efficiency of the Post Office and the accountability of the IRS. A Chavez-like welfare program. Let's see, who you gonna sue when those hard working bureaucrats spill some oil?

But then Democrats probably think oil grows on trees, just like our tax dollars. Next thing you know we'll have to bail out the national oil companies, they'll be run into the ground. (as Congress takes their "excess" profits they would normally put back into upgrading their equipment and developing new oilfields.)

All these conspiracy theories Dems peddle. Such ignorance on the part of these Dems in Congress, it's appalling.

We need to drill.

But I guess the Dems like higher gas prices. Barack said so.
For a candidate claiming the mantle of "change," Mr. Obama's energy policy might as well have been drafted in the 1970s. He supports punitive new windfall profits taxes on Big Oil, which won't do anything for supply; as well as at least $10 billion a year in new subsidies for "alternative" energy technologies, which may take years or decades to pan out, if they ever do.

Mr. Obama's hostility to new drilling relates directly to his larger hostility to all carbon energy. Last week, he told a CNBC interviewer that his only objection to higher energy prices was how fast they had risen. He said, "I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment." His climate-change tax-and-regulation scheme known as cap and trade is designed to raise gasoline and other energy prices, albeit in a politically stealthy fashion.

So the Democrats have no solutions.

In the short run we need oil and coal. In the long run we need nuclear. Alternative energy and conservation are fine, but they will never be enough alone, despite all of Obama's and Rahmbo's mumbo jumbo empty talk.

They think we should all ride our bikes or walk across the miles of the fruited plains I guess. Talk about out of touch.

P.S. My friend at Flying Debris:) Also here on the markets.

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