Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sensitive Dick Durbin

Now that the end of the Rezko trial is looming and looking ominous not just for Tony Rezko, Sen. Dick Durbin displays a touching sensitivity in discussing his beleagered Dem colleague, Governor Rod Blagojevich. Tribune:
U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, during a wide-ranging interview with the Tribune editorial board, also said he was "troubled" by some of Blagojevich's early appointments. Some of those appointees, Durbin noted, played prominent roles at the public corruption trial of Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a former top fundraiser for Blagojevich.

"You may assume—and it's natural that you would —that there's a closer working relationship with the governor and senator than there actually is. There isn't much," Durbin said, adding he's talked privately with Blagojevich only a handful of times since Blagojevich took office in 2003.
Kind of a slacker aren't you Senator? More from the oh-so-sensitive Sen. Durbin:
"What's happened here was fairly obvious to a lot of us on the outside," Durbin said of the federal investigations of the Blagojevich administration.

Asked whether he should have registered his unease to Blagojevich about appointees like Levine, Durbin said, "When it comes to dealing with the state and all of the decisions involved in it, there's just so much I can do, to be honest with you."
Fairly obvious? Duh. But why didn't you do anything about it Dickie baby? You and Mike Madigan, who is also distancing himself. And what about the Barackstar? Oh, but he shared Tony Rezko's fundraising prowess with the governor--not much distance there. Then we have Durbin happy talk about uniting the Dems. Group hug, now.

If you want someone who is really sensitive to the concerns of his constituents, and is honest and knowledgeable--you have a real choice. Send a message--no more corrupt business as usual! Vote for Dr. Steve Sauerberg for the Senate.

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