Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lunch with Michelle

Michelle is talking about food. Kind of a safe subject. And she has lunch with one of the girls. But she can't help herself, she still veers into vanguard of the proletariat talk, according to Sweet:
The Obamas have become known for their healthy eating habits; Michelle Obama, picking up on Waters message, said food is "one of the issues we have to address."
Food nazis in the White House, and on the march around the country. Recall the mandates, (limited, for now):
No fried food. And, on the theory that nutritious food is more vibrant, each meal should include "at least three of the following colors: red, green, yellow, blue/purple, and white." (Garnishes don't count.)
"Barack will require you to..." eat what he says. Lunch with Michelle becomes tedious.

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