"See, Barack's been talking down to black people on this faith-based—," Jackson says during a break in taping. "I want to cut his nuts out."Of course Jesse talks down to blacks all the time, as do all the liberal peddlers of dependence on Big Government--it's their ticket to power. Kass' theory is that it may help Obama with white voters. Well maybe. But it may just reinforce Obama's phoniness, ambivalence and underlying anger--that he hung out with these guys and Rezko, Ayers and the Rev. Wright (who is in swing state Virginia by the way) to make his way up the Chicago way, while they all pay lip-service to cherishing historic moments.
The national media was stunned, as if they'd just found out Obama is a Chicago politician rather than a mythic hero of Kennedyesque proportions, who drew the great sword Axelrod from the cornerstone of Chicago's City Hall.
So stunned, they missed the truly freaky part, Jackson twisting his right wrist, as if he held a curved blade, giving a little pull, grunting for emphasis, like a butcher of the old school, if you will.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Video clip--can't get embed to work, link here.

One viewer:
Jesse stands in a very long line of shameless self-promoters that mistakenly believe an apology will erase the glimpse his crude and irrelevent remarks reveal about his true character as a charlatan. One should note his apology did not occur immediately after his blunder, but 3 days later when he knew it would be broadcast for all to hear. If that is truly how he feels, he should not have to apologize. His apology has no meaning and shame on Obama for blindly and unconditionally accepting it. Give us a break Obama, the public is not at all naive concerning the motives behind your apology acceptance. Forgiveness should be reserved for those that truly mean it and not just to serve Obama's agenda to preserve Jesse's support (for what little it is actually worth if more people would wake up) and to soothe Jesse's transient guilty conscience. In the end both men have substantially diminished their stature by cloaking their true thoughts with the convenience of insincerity and dishonesty.And this one: "How can you threaten castration then say I'm sorry?" --Mike
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