Monday, August 25, 2008

Dems Rally Against Unions?!!!

Revolution from within in Denver?!!! Mickey Kaus reports on the Dem Ed Challenge for Change event. Here's an excerpt:
One panelist--I think it was Peter Groff, president of the Colorado State Senate, got the ball rolling by complaining that when the children's agenda meets the adult agenda, the "adult agenda wins too often." Then Cory Booker of Newark attacked teachers unions specifically--and there was applause. In a room of 500 people at the Democratic convention! "The politics are so vicious," Booker complained, remembering how he'd been told his political career would be over if he kept pushing school choice, how early on he'd gotten help from Republicans rather than from Democrats. The party would "have to admit as Democrats we have been wrong on education." Loud applause! Mayor Adrian Fenty of D.C. joined in, describing the AFT's attempt to block the proposed pathbreaking D.C. teacher contract.
I guess it's gotten so obvious even some Dems can't deny it. But Barack can. Kaus:
Has someone done the trend piece on all these smart, young, powerful bald,** black state and local elected officials--e.g., Fenty, Booker, Groff, Nutter--who are taking on their unions?
Not the Rev. Meeks either. No one brave hails from Illinois.

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