Monday, August 25, 2008

Oprah & Obama's Brothers

His brother George:

Sen. Barack Obama has a problem. And it lives in a hut.

His name is George Hussein Onyango Obama, and he is the 26-year-old half brother of Mr. Obama, the multimillionaire autobiographer who neglected to write that his paternal sibling lives on less than a dollar a month in the outer slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

His brother Jeremiah:
It would also be fair game now to point out that preaching "social justice" pays better than being a United States senator. The Trinity United Church of Christ is building a mansion for the Rev. Jeremiah Wright that includes an elevator, a butler's pantry, a bar, a rubberized exercise room - and the 10,000-square-foot estate backs up to the Odyssey Country Club.
And the Obamas are apparently cheap charitable givers. Liberals only give to the least of their brothers with other people's money. Well, but then there's Oprah, in a class by herself--can she help?
On Night 3, the billionaire television hostess can synthesize her two best show archetypes: the heart-wrenching family reunion and "Oprah's Favorite Things," the giveaway of material goods.
It would make good TV. And why not bring up the Rev. Wright? What could be a more perfect (re-) union?

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