This atmosphere is totally distracting. I think I've walked around St. Paul and the Xcel Center a gazillion times, taking pix here and there, meeting bloggers and chitchatting. Also celebrity and politico sightings. That's Laura Bush down there.

I was up level with the celebratory balloons.

I saw Bill Bennett the other night on the way to the Laura Bush speech and said, "Mr. Bennett!" and patted him on the arm in passing like I was his mother or something. This morning on the way in, just past security,
Jon Voight was being
interviewed yet again, (pix up and left). I shook his hand, told him I was a blogger from Chicago and thanked him for
standing up for the right. This morning I attended a RedState/Google brunch, met Erick Erickson and Ben Domenach, and had the honor of listening to Sen. Fred Thompson. And I got to ask the last question! (on Bill Ayers and the media silence). Coverage at RedState,
"FredState at the Convention"! I like to hang out at the Headwaters Cafe right by Radio Row. Saw Hugh Hewitt doing his radio show last night, John Bolton while I was eating my lunch about two. Then there's the special press filing center where I ran into the guys from
EyeBlast TV and Newsbusters. Newsbusters has the video for the Thompson event
UPDATE: My friend and fellow blogger
John Ruberry, Marathon Pundit was also at the brunch and filed this post. Thanks for the link, John!
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