Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Crossing over St. Peter

Fred Thompson's speech last night was electrifying. I'm sure you watched it, but just in case, the video. I was whooping and clapping in the upper deck, this time on the press level. When Sen. Thompson spoke of John McCain's sacrifice you could have heard a pin drop in that cavernous place. Country First. And Sen. Lieberman gently reminded us why he's such a statesman, and why his support of John McCain across party lines is so significant, given the threats we face today. The Washington Post covers it, but they didn't mention his best line (I agree with Mick) that garnered the most applause, "John McCain will be a president our allies will trust and our enemies will fear."

Speaking of enemies, outside we passed Chris Matthews holding forth in the MSNBC pavilion. By the way, why is a working mom just peachy when she's a Dem, but if she's a Republican she's fair game, and in the most vicious and personal way. There was no sign of a storm in the sky but you never know. The night photos didn't turn out well, too many lights for my little camera, but I caught the liberal fascist poster earlier.

Monday was steamy in St. Paul so I'd been drinking water all day. As the convention was curtailed, a few of us stepped out for a meal before heading back to our exurban hotels. There's a St. Peter St. in St. Paul and we crossed over to an outdoor plaza filled with restaurants and music.

A local band named after a famous fish.

Somebody said if you drank too much water it could kill you. So I had a beer just in case. I saw on the news this morning there were protesters out battling cops for the 3rd night in a row.

Morning Joe at brunch in a couple of hours, Gov. Sarah Palin tonight.

--crossposted at UNCoRRELATED

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