Monday, September 08, 2008

Laughingstock Barack

Barack Obama's claim in an interview with ABC that he considered joining the military after high school doesn't pass the laugh test. Having written two biographies at a fairly young age, you would think Barack Obama would have shared this biographical detail with America before Gov. Sarah Palin (with a gun in Kuwait) came on the scene, and when his military experience and the success of the surge is paying off for Sen. John McCain.

Perhaps it also might have something to do with the Obama campaign throwing flags in the trash after flaunting them at a rally (trying to persuade the rest of us they're gung-ho for America). I suppose we should feel some sympathy for the Obama campaign--after all they couldn't burn the flags, it might be a teensy bit understood. But all sympathy is lost when their campaign accuses Boy Scouts and veterans of stealing the dumpster-bound flags.

Are you feeling a bit inadequate, Barack? What a pander and a lie. (Read the entire post.):
The point is, he did not register "when (he) graduated from high school" as he said today on ABC. In fact, he didn't register until a year and a half later when he was already a college student at Occidental. That significantly undermines his explaination that he actually considered joining the military because he was living in Hawaii and a lot of his friends had military connections. It also undermines his excuse that we were no longer engaged in "active" conflict.

When he registered, he was not a high school graduate exploring career options. He was a college student in a world in which the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan and the Iranians had captured our embassy in Tehran.
Laughingstock Barack.

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