Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sarah the Dragon Slayer

So Ellen of 10th and her liberal women friends are attacking Congressman Mark Kirk for his kind words and support of Gov. Sarah Palin. HT Team America. As usual they claim outrage that she supports life at conception, and is opposed to abortion for any reason, including rape and incest. I am not opposed to an abortion exception for rape and incest, yet I still support Sarah, as do many other women, including self-described feminists. There are alternatives--carrying to term and putting the baby up for adoption for one. And how can Ellen of 10th defend Barack Obama's stance that it's OK to let an infant victim of a botched abortion die in a soiled hospital utility room as a matter of course?

Sarah Palin's beliefs are important to her. She has integrity. That's why she had the courage to take on the good old boy network in Alaska, at every level of government, to enact needed bipartisan reforms. Living in the corrupt pay to play state of Illinois, how can anyone of sense and in favor of good government disparage what she has accomplished.? Sarah is a slayer of old dragons.

As far as equal pay for equal work that is a phony issue, and has been for almost 30 years. What most women would prefer is more flex-time, but the unions block that. (John McCain has taken more than a few women's advice.) Ask them, Ellen, why? And Barack Obama wants to smash incentives for married professional women to use their skills in the workforce by crushing levels of taxation.

Governor Palin is not in favor of teaching creationism in the schools, merely allowing classroom discussion to respect people of faith. Do your homework on her positions, please. I personally see no conflict between evolution and my faith--and I don't think I'm an extremist and a radical. (Can a scout leader, choir member and former PTA mucky-muck be a radical extremist? What do you think, Ellen of 10th? And I even got my MBA without frothing at the mouth.) I don't recall ever trying to bomb anything, like the US Capitol, and none of my friends have either.

Sarah Palin takes women seriously, not for granted. She is a serious woman, a leader, an executive as Governor of a large and complex state, all while raising her family of five with the help of her husband.

And who's being patronizing and cynical?

Sarah is a dragon slayer.

UPDATE: Marathon Pundit on the book-banning charge. I remember the Dems tried this in our local school board elections in Wilmette, charging conservatives wanted to ban books. What a crock. I had spoken up at a League of Women Voters meeting about age-appropriate books, and excellence--in the school library, not the public library. (I wasn't running, my husband was, I was head of one grade school PTA, and won in spite of, or perhaps because of this silliness. Before the caucus found out he was a conservative, he was described by the chairman as the perfect school board member.) Must our kids be forced to read stupid books like Captain Underpants? Or 10 year olds be steered by the ALA's banned book list campaign to schools to a story of gang rape...of a 10 year old? Who is really brutalizing our kids and their minds? And let me ask anyone this--do you think Howard Stern's book Private Parts should be assigned to 8th graders?

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