The Web site PolitickerPA reports that Anita Moncrief, an Acorn worker in Washington D.C. from 2005 to 2008, will testify that the group engaged in "minimal to nonexistent" checking of its voter registration work during her time with Project Vote.The Republican suit, filed by Pittsburgh attorney Heather Heidelbaugh, demands that the Pennsylvania Secretary of State follow federal law requiring that first-time voters using an absentee ballot show some form of identification. It also seeks to have Acorn turn over its voter registration lists, identify registrants who signed up fraudulently and instruct them not to vote.
With more on Pennsylvania and the lawsuit, Jeffrey Lord, The American Spectator, "Pennsylvania Elections Boss is ACORN Ally":
Very dedicated, so dedicated NBC is pairing up with ACORN for an "Election Protection" project--somehow they'll manage to avoid covering those vacant lot votes for their candidate Barack Obama. Expanding the great ACORN conspiracy, robbing the American people of their votes and a free and fair election. Why does Barack Obama think he has to cheat to win? And with our money:The man appointed by Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell to oversee the security and fairness of Pennsylvania elections has been discovered to be an ally of ACORN. Rendell, a Democrat, is a leading Obama supporter.
"And thank you kindly on behalf of the Department and on behalf of the Administration for all of the good work that ACORN, as well as Project Vote, has conducted through the years, particularly ACORN. I work very closely with some of your members on a national level, and appreciate your dedication and commitment to enfranchising all of the eligible voters." [snip]
On March 31, 2005, Secretary of the Commonwealth Pedro Cortés heaped praise on the controversial left-wing activist group that is now being investigated for voter fraud in a dozen states, including Pennsylvania.
Said Cortés, directly addressing ACORN representatives at a meeting of the Pennsylvania Reform Task Force:
Gleason said he was "shocked and amazed" at the response to fraud allegations by both Cortés and Rendell. In the material Gleason has presented to the public are photographs of vacant lots listed as home to voters registered by ACORN.
A Wall Street Journal article published on July 31 noted an additional source of ACORN funding: U.S. taxpayers. Journal reporters Elizabeth Williamson and Brody Mullins analyzed the IRS filings of the tax-exempt ACORN Housing Corporation for 2007 and noted that some 36 percent of the funds raised by the housing affiliate last year--$2.8 million out of $7.7 million--came from the federal government, mostly in the form of grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. (According to an October 14 editorial in the Wall Street Journal, that represented only a small part of the estimated $16 million in federal grant dollars that various ACORN affiliates bearing names such as American Institute for Social Justice and American Environmental Justice Project took in from 1997 through 2007.)The bullying and initimidation we have seen the Obama campaign engage in are straight from the ACORN handbook, which has been Barack Obama's bible all these years. And if we are so unwise as to elect Barack Obama president, expect America to become a more scary place. First they came for Joe the Plumber.
UPDATE: Column in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, in a key region of a key battleground state:
The NY Times regurgitates Dem talking points to downplay the issue. Perhaps they should talk to Hillary voters who experienced voter suppression from the Obama campaign in the primary in Nevada--where ACORN was also active. Many of these vote fraud investigations are occurring in the states, many being prosecuted by Democrats--it's not just the GOP crying foul.In Pennsylvania, one ACORN worker is facing 19 counts of perjury. The Allegheny County district attorney says additional criminal charges could be filed against individuals for committing voter fraud in the Pittsburgh area.
And this is only a partial list of known abuses.
Barack Obama is inextricably connected to ACORN, an organization that officially endorsed him for president in February.[snip]
When groups like ACORN commit voter fraud on a massive scale, they are using revolutionary tactics against our system of constitutional governance not dissimilar to tactics used by anti-democratic forces to undermine elected governments during the 20th century.
I've been an election judge in Illinois and it is undeniable that registration fraud can lead to vote fraud. Corruption among election officials in approving provisional ballots or not enforcing documentation requirements at the polls are all too common. Only 6 states have ironclad requirements to present photo-IDs at the polls, and with early voting and absentee voting the system is ripe for abuse--recall Princess the Goldfish, Voter in Barack Obama's home state of Illinois. From Ann Arbor, Michigan:
Instead of putting a terrible burden on our voting system to sort out which of ACORN's registrants are legitimate and which are not, all ACORN registrations should be thrown out.
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